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Renubhatia Exports provides international footwear importers access to high quality Indian shoes and sandals for wholesale or retail business.

We facilitate sourcing of contemporary designs as well as traditional footwear crafted using materials like leather, jute, cotton, bamboo etc. Ideal for formal, casual or specialty segments.

Inventory available ready for export includes 1000+ designs catering to men, women and kids across seasons. Custom production also available.

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“We have been getting our handmade leather bags and accessories from Renubhatia Exports for over 5 years now. They always deliver the finest craftsmanship and latest styles.”
Luxe Leathergoods, France

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Limited export capacity – Act fast to secure preferred export pricing & terms

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“I highly recommend Renubhatia Exports if you are looking for a reliable Indian exporting partner. Their responsiveness, product quality control and logistics capabilities are unmatched.”
Dubai Textiles Trading


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A: We export high quality Indian products across 7 major categories: fabrics, yarns & garments, accessories, footwear, disposables, hotel supplies, office stationery, and office furniture. Products are sourced from accredited factories & directly from reputed manufacturers.

A: We offer flexible payment terms based on client preferences and order size. This includes:

  • 50% advance, 50% before shipment
  • 100% payment through LC
  • 30% advance & 70% through payment collection services

A: RenubhatiaExports was founded in 2010, so we have over a decade of experience exporting Indian products worldwide. Our founder, Renu Bhatia, established us as a reliable Indian export house catering to client needs globally.

A: Yes, we specialize in customizations for large export orders as per client specifications including tailored product dimensions, branding elements like logos, private label packaging design, bundle packs and more. We have in-house graphic designers and supply chain teams for such requirements.

A: Delivery timelines vary based on product, quantity ordered and destination port. On average, delivery takes 30-60 days from order confirmation – this includes inspection, packing & customs clearances from our warehouses in India to client port. We always communicate timelines transparently.


Limited export capacity – Act fast to secure preferred export pricing & terms.